Divide players into two teams. Teams play 6v6.
Each team defends the goals on its own end line and attacks on the others.
If any defenders are still in the opposite wing zone when attackers score on a wing goal, the goal counts double.
Each practice can be varied to adapt to the needs of players. Simple changes can increase or decrease the challenge. Examples such as changing the rules, the size of the area, overloading the advantage of one team, varying the focus, or setting team challenges will keep players motivated and all attribute to good coaching methodology
Set Up
Set up the playing area 40x40 with two goals with goalkeepers, plus two mini goals flanking each main goal.
Divide the playing area lengthwise into three zones as per the diagram.
Modify playing area if necessary, for number of players.
Learning Outcomes
Individual/team responsibilities.
To defend as a unit (back four and midfield).
Understanding positional play when in possession and when the team is out of possession.
Key Factors
Good body shape (low and side on)
Nearest man to close ball quickly
Stay compact
Win the ball if possible
Focus Areas
Always cover the attacking player.
Attack the ball carrier as soon as possible.
Defence formation should stay compact.
Defending players should spread out in all directions but remain oriented toward the ball.
For optimal coordination, players have to coach each other.
Quickly identify and block potential passes.
Teamwork and communication.
Try to double-team the player with the ball.
Work on identifying passing lanes.